A) Self-paced courses are pre-recorded lectures with labs and assessments which a student buys and is granted access for a set period, (6 months or 12 Months).
B) Instructor-led courses are live sessions that are held at specific times and days of the week and can either be remote via Zoom, Webex or in a classroom.
Course costs vary based on numerous factors including length of course, syllabus to cover, resources (servers, instructors etc.) needed to manage the course.
Course schedules are available on our website (www.metropoltech.com). When you access the website, select training.
At the outset of COVID we transitioned all our classes from our site in Laurel online. Sometimes in the future, we intend to return to a hybrid model which allows students top take classes from our campus while at the same time permits students to join same class online. Currently classes are streamed over zoom or Webex.
No, Training cost is through MTCI and Certification cost is through the providers or third-party bodies chosen by the Certification providers.
Currently we don’t have a test center however we plan to get one setup in the near future.
Cost per certification varies and is set by the certification providers. Your instructors will assist you register for your certification’s exams
Yes, we provide a continuous service to students who have completed their respective programs and are in good standing tuition wise.
Go to www.metropoltech.com and under training, follow the link to ProClass to register for a course of your choice in a timeslot that fits your needs. NB: We have a calendar for the whole.
Yes, we offer limited and unpaid internship to boost hands-on experience in some areas and not all.
Yes, Tuition and payment plans are available and are set forth on individual bases by the accounting department.